Spiritual Growth
Every Child is a Child of God
We believe spiritual growth and character development are essential to cultivating a balanced and meaningful life.
With a commitment to fostering an inclusive student community, Episcopal Day School is firmly rooted in the expression of Judeo-Christian values. Respecting and welcoming students and families of all faiths and backgrounds, we invite all to seek clarity about and honor their own beliefs and religions. Our age-appropriate Christian education course considers all faith-traditions of our diverse world.
Each week, students worship side-by-side in joyful devotions and participate in regular chapel services celebrated in the traditional Episcopal liturgy. The tradition of Chapel Buddies brings older and younger students together as they worship and build lasting relationships throughout the school year.
School Prayer
O Heavenly Father, You have given us Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be our friend and example; we thank you. Help us to do such good things as will please You and benefit others.
Bless us in our work and study, in our play and rest, in the intentions of our hearts, and in our words and actions.
Help us to follow Christ, and in His love, make us gentle, generous, truthful, kind, and brave; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.