Service Learning
Developing Servant Leaders
At Episcopal Day School, we believe in sending our students into the world with a mutual respect for others, a love for giving and learning and an understanding of contributing to others’ strength and purpose. Service learning is a strongly emphasized component of our education. Foundational to our Episcopal identity, our students participate in philanthropic and service learning activities, while building active and engaged partnerships within our Pensacola community.
Manna Food Pantries
Every November, we join Manna Food Pantries, a local, grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting hunger in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, for their Fill the Mayflower event. In November 2020, our families collected a total of 5,112 pounds of food to provide 7,702 meals for people in need within our local community.
Episcopal Schools Celebration
During Episcopal School Week every year, we focus on reaching out to our community and sharing the many gifts and talents of our students and teachers. Our themes, which change every year to fit the need, creates conversations and inspires thought. In the past we have created inspirational bookmarks, sent letters to college-aged alumni, made blankets for the less fortunate and more.
Lemonade Stand
What do you do when it’s 90 degrees outside and you want to raise money for a worthy cause? You host a lemonade stand of course! Each year, our 3rd graders host a lemonade stand as a part of their project-based learning unit which incorporates economics, engineering, art, and math, all while reading the novel Lemonade War. Proceeds from their successful enterprise will go to Gulf Coast Kid’s House. We are proud that our students are so enthusiastic about giving back to other children in our community.